Template David & Maureen's 2006 Photo Albums: Dad Spoke

David & Maureen's 2006 Photo Albums

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dad Spoke

Dad said:

"I love anniversaries. They speak about endurance, consistency, a treasured memory. I remember the day, when as a pastor of the church David and Maureen attended, I had the honor and privilege of "tying the knot". Just 3 days prior to their wedding 25 years ago Prince Charles of Great Britain had married Diana who then became Princess Diana. the whole world heard about the Royal Wedding.

Unfortunately, Charles and Diana's relationship became estranged as husband and wife and the knot that tied them together slipped...and history records the rest of the story.

What the world didn't hear was that a young couple, in the little town of Hope, BC spoke the same vows of love and commitment. So, today, I'm going public - It's on my blogspot. CONGRATULATIONS on 25 years of service, err servitude...I mean servand hood. David, I'm sure it hasn't always been bliss but always blessed. Some waters you have passed through may have been muddy, but secure in each other's arms you held steady. David you handsome prince, build your castle with the strength of LOVE AND COMMITMENT with which you laid the foundation. Maureen, you charming princess, life hasn't always been fair, but you have always made it fun. Bring the music of the soul into your palace. Dance with your prince through dark days as well as the bright days. Remember the cords that tied you together are unbreakable, when they are made with LOVE.

From a paraphrase of scripture:

Love never gives up
Love cares more for others than for self
Love doesn't strut.
Doesn't have a swelled head
Doesn't force itself on others
Isn't alwyas: Me First
Doesn't fly off the handle
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others
Trusts God Always
Always looks for the best

And then Dad prayed a blessing over us.

Thanks Dad, we love you.