Template David & Maureen's 2006 Photo Albums: Becky's Prom Parade and Pictures

David & Maureen's 2006 Photo Albums

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Becky's Prom Parade and Pictures

Becky and her girlfriend, Ashley, got ready at our house for prom. Our house was busy with girl stuff. They got ready just in the nick of time and time for a couple of photos before heading off to the parade. In Penticton, the graduating class all parade down Lakeshore Drive and the town comes out to watch them all parade past in fancy cars and floats. The Parade is a unique Penticton Tradition. Becky was stunning.
After the parade we went and took some photos of Becky and friends before her prom dinner and dance. We are very proud of our beautiful daughter. Way to go Becky! The world and future is ahead of you!